Nana Kwame Ampadu’s Owuo Nye as best tribúte song by Nana Nsoroma [Video]

Nana Nsoroma And The Legend Nana Kwame Ampadu
Nana Nsoroma And The Legend Nana Kwame Ampadu

Interestingly, a popular high-life musician known as Nana Nsoroma, who describes himself as a game changer of highlif music dropped a tribute for legend Nana Kwame Ampadu.

Owuo Nye was originally composed by the legend Nana Kwame Ampadu, the best high-life musician.

According to analyst, Nana Nsoroma added some few words to differentiate the tribute single. He praises Nana Kwame Ampadu for the good work he did in Ghana music industry.

Nsoroma met Nana Ampadu first time in Berekum about two years ago and was happy to see him.
The legend advised Nana Nsoroma and showed him how to write good songs and arrange it.

Kwame Ampadu is the King of Ghana music industry with thousands of Tracks, so sad that such a legend is no more alive today.

Watch Full Video And Click Here To Download MP3.

“Since the time we meet we always talk on phone and even planning a program at Techiman in B.A unfortunately I heard his death” – Nana Nsoroma.

Writing a song is like buying something from market and you did not buy the good ones, it won’t lasts. If you write good music it will lasts forever and ever and it won’t pass away from the system.

“I beg all the musicians old and upcoming artists to learn from Nana Kwame Ampadu the legend how he composed his music to advise and educate both the youths and old ones” – Nana Nsoroma.

Anybody who also need Nana Nsoroma for her or his program can call tel: 0200603517


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